How important is the Air Curtain for your building?

How important is the Air Curtain for your building?

Hygiene is an essential part of any business irrespective of whether it is product-based or service-based. From acquiring customer satisfaction to keeping your employees happy at the workplace, hygiene plays a crucial rule.  Workplaces like office buildings and organizations need to maintain a clean environment not only for good reputation but also for the health and safety of everyone including customers, visitors, and employees. Cleaner surroundings make it easier to arrange the workplace and increase productivity. And the cleanliness takes a higher turn when it is garages, car shops, retail shops, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, pharmacies, hospitals, commercial or any industrial establishments or any other places where footfall rate in is higher on daily basics

An Air curtain helps you to achieve the same with minimal effort. And if you manage to use efficient air curtains, then you can achieve the goal without affecting your electricity bills and it also reduces the overall load on main air conditioning systems. The evolution of air curtain is the result of studies finding the best way to reduce air infiltration in business with high customer traffic without limiting their access.  Apart from preventing the indoor & outdoor air mix with each other, it also keeps the indoor environment away from insects, dust, particles, viruses, contamination and unpleasant scents.

Many researchers have proved that air curtain is more reasonable compared to having a vestibule concept in the building. In modern architecture, vestibule typically refers to a small room next to the outer door and connecting it with the interior of the building. Some building owners prefer this design for the purpose of waiting, withholding the larger space view, reducing heat loss etc. But using air curtains, especially energy-efficient units, not only maintain the hygiene but also reduces construction costs and power consumption. The air curtain unit and its advanced control systems help to minimize the energy loss from the building by keeping the temperature accurate and separate form outdoor air.

> Read more about VTS WING Air Curtain

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